Home > All Events > Book Club: “The Fifth Season” by N.K. Jemisin


Book Club: “The Fifth Season” by N.K. Jemisin

Wednesday April 10th
Doors & drinks 6.30pm; Discussion starts 7pm

"The Fifth Season" is the first novel in N. K. Jemisin's science fantasy trilogy series, "Broken Earth", which won the Hugo Award in 2016.

"A bravura example of literary world-building and rich, rounded characterisation, the opening instalment of The Broken Earth trilogy conjures up an immersive post-apocalyptic dystopia for the ages." - Waterstones

Kairos, 84 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TG

Doors open at 6.30pm. Discussion starts at 7pm. Bring your own bottle. 

Free for members, £5 non-members. (Members please register in advance so we can plan numbers.)