New Season Launch: Before the Light Fades with Natasha Walter
Tuesday October 3rd, 6.30pm
These are dark and challenging times for all of us who care about our planet and our society. How do we continue to stay politically and personally active?
Writer Natasha Walter's latest book, Before the Light Fades: A Memoir of Grief and Resistance, takes as its starting point her time of personal and political despair after her mother’s death by suicide.
In the book she draws strength from her family’s legacy of political activism, in the 1960s nuclear disarmament movement and in 1930s Germany in the anti-Nazi resistance.
Natasha, who campaigns with Writers Rebel and is the founder of the charity Women for Refugee Women, will launch our new season with this talk focused on her own family stories. She'll also invite us to share insights on how we continue to do what we think is right, even in the knowledge that we may not succeed.
Without false optimism, how can we ensure that we do not succumb to despair? What legacies from the past should we honour? How do we sustain our own communities of resistance in these dark times?
The talk will be followed by supper and discussion.
Kairos, 84 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TG
Doors open at 6.30pm for drinks. The talk starts at 7 pm followed by a one-pot vegan supper and discussion.
£8 members, £15 non-members. Includes food and drinks.